Monday, June 15, 2009

I don’t think I’ve been poked and proded so many times by so many people, making sure that I’m healthy, since I was popped out of my mothers womb. Other than perhaps a dentists visit, most of my doctors visits have been completed. I know that I have healthy eyes, filled prescriptions, clear skin, and my blood probably couldn’t give any more information about me than it already has. I’m good to go. A view of San Francisco from the Port of Oakland Goals for australia (and my never ending to do list)

The San Francisco Skyline
I don’t think I’ve been poked and prodded so many times by so many people, making sure that I’m healthy, since I was popped out of my mothers womb. Other than perhaps a dentists visit, most of my doctors visits have been completed. I know that I have healthy eyes, filled prescriptions, clear skin, and my blood probably couldn’t give any more information about me than it already has. I’m good to go. 

My first attempt to add photos!

melbourne, originally uploaded by Mari Richards.

Just checking that everything works out right!

My Journey to Australia!

My name is Mari Monosoff-Richards and I’m a third year student at Oberlin College in Ohio. As a native of Berkeley, California I’ve always been hungry for travel, to learn what’s outside of the bubble. I’ve been lucky and have done much traveling, but have never lived outside of the US for longer than six weeks.
In just a few weeks time I’m leaving for a semester abroad in Australia. I’ll be studying at the University of Melbourne in Victoria. I plan on spending my five months there learning, exploring, and absorbing all of the culture that I possibly can. I'll be living with another student in an apartment somewhere near the campus.